Training & Consultation

Consultation Services
Sensity’s Training and Consultation is your gateway to specialized education in deafblindness, sensory loss, and Intervenor services. Our comprehensive training courses and consultation services are open to all individuals interested in deepening their understanding of these areas.
Sensity stands as a leader in training related to deafblindness and Intervenor services, boasting a training department with extensive experience in supporting individuals who are deafblind. Leveraging this expertise, we extend our training services to other organizations seeking to enhance their knowledge of deafblindness and sensory loss.
Our experienced Training Department can collaborate with you to develop a customized training plan tailored to your specific needs. Some of the topics covered include:
- Understanding the uniqueness of deafblindness and its impact on an individual
- Communication methods and techniques
- The role of an Intervenor
- Benefits of calendar systems and their implementation
- Environmental management for maximizing residual vision and/or hearing
- Interpreting and responding to behaviors
- Sighted guide techniques
- Reactive environments
We offer flexibility in training delivery, with options for in-person, on-site training or virtual sessions. For further information or to discuss your training needs, please contact our Training Department at
Presentation Request:
If your organization is eager to explore the world of deafblindness or would love to have a friendly and informative talk on Intervenor Services by Sensity at your upcoming event, feel free to get in touch with us at We look forward to connecting with you!
Training for Sensity Employees:
Sensity prioritizes the continuous development of its employees through a robust training program. New hires, regardless of their role, undergo comprehensive training about the organization’s values, the uniqueness of deafblindness, and their specific roles. Intervenors and Intervenor Services Coordinators receive approximately 70 hours of training, through a combination of in-person and virtual sessions. Our training sessions include simulation activities, which provide employees with a firsthand experience of deafblindness. While primarily geared towards employees, these sessions are available to family members and those individuals considering a career as an Intervenor.
Online Courses
Sensity offers comprehensive online courses designed for both internal staff and external participants interested in deepening their understanding of deafblindness, sensory loss, and intervenor services. Our courses are led by experienced trainers and provide flexible learning options to suit various needs.
Professional Development Opportunities:
At Sensity, we recognize the importance of ongoing professional development. We actively support our employees in attending conferences, webinars, and workshops related to deafblindness and sensory loss. Additionally, we offer free registration for Sensity’s online courses and educational assistance funding for qualified employees engaging in third-party professional development opportunities.
Our employees have attended conferences hosted by Deafblind International (DbI), Deafblind Network of Ontario (DBNO) and the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation. Sensity also offers a leadership development course, the Sensity Leadership Institute, for employees interested in enhancing their leadership skills.
We encourage our staff to become members of relevant organizations, such as the Intervenor Organization of Ontario and Deafblind International and are proud of those who have served on the boards of these and other organizations. At Sensity, we believe that ongoing education and professional development are essential components of ensuring the highest quality of support for individuals who are deafblind.
To inquire about upcoming courses, join our mailing list for course dates, or discuss your training needs, please contact us at We look forward to supporting your journey in understanding and supporting individuals who are deafblind.